Custom apps definition

This section will clarify the process to define a custom application for MeCoSim.

The default app allows the debugging and simulation of any P-Lingua model based on P systems not including custom input parameters nor custom outputs:

This template is ready to be loaded in MeCoSim as a new app, and can be tested with an empty scenario file (data file, .ec2) and an example P-Lingua file (model file, .pli). These files are also available in config, data and model directories of MeCoSim respectively.

This template config file (.xls) can also be used to define a custom app by stating. Click here to see the description of the main tabs.
  • AppInfo: general info about the app (the main ones are its name, and the boolean data indicating if simulation params must be saved after each parsing process, and if a small log console must be shown as part as the custom app window.
  • TabsHierarchy: hierarchy of tabs to organize the input tables and output tables and charts.
  • TablesConfig: input tables and output tables and charts. The details for each table and chart named TableName are given in TC_TableName tab. If user wants to automatically detect invariants from the computation for a certain table by means of Daikon plugin, the desired extraction must be defined in DK_TableName tab.
  • SimulationParams: simulation parameters configuration. Parameters are generated from the input tables data, applying the given formulas before the parsing stage. These parameters can be used in P-Lingua to instantiate the P system, or by plugins.
  • TextParams: similar than the previous ones, they are not used in P-Lingua models but they are available for plugins (for instance, in graphs plugin).
  • SimulationResults: configuration of simulation results to collect from the computation. This tab lists simulation results, both auxiliary or main ones. The details for each simulation result *SimulationResultName* to generate are given in SD_SimulationResultName tab.


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