Bearded Vulture


The Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) is an endangered species in Europe that feeds almost exclusively on bone remains of wild and domestic ungulates. Here a model is presented of an ecosystem related to the Bearded Vulture in the Pyrenees (NE Spain), by using P systems. The evolution of six species is studied: the Bearded Vulture and five subfamilies of domestic and wild ungulates upon which the vulture feeds. P systems provide a high level computational modeling framework which integrates the structural and dynamic aspects of ecosystems in a comprehensive and relevant way. P systems explicitly represent the discrete character of the components of an ecosystem by using rewriting rules on multisets of objects which represent individuals of the population and bones. The inherent stochasticity and uncertainty in ecosystems is captured by using probabilistic strategies. In order to experimentally validate the P system designed, we have constructed a simulator that allows us to analyze the evolution of the ecosystem under different initial conditions.


The corresponding P-Lingua file is the following:


def main()
        call init_membrane_structure();
        call init_multisets();
        call init_rules();

def init_membrane_structure()
   @mu= [[[ [  ]'2 ]'1]'101,101]'global;

def init_multisets()
        let alpha = 0;
        let alpha = alpha + q{1,j} : 1<= j <= 21;
        let alpha = @ceil (alpha * 1.1 * 682);
        @ms(1) += X{i,j}*q{i,j} : 0<=j<=k{i,4},1<=i<=7;
        @ms(2) = C, B*alpha;

def init_rules()
        /* Reproduction rules for ungulates */
        /* Adult males */
        /* r0.i.j */ [X{i,j}]'1 --> [Y{i,j}]'1 :: 1-k{i,13} : k{i,2}<=j<=k{i,4},2<=i<=7;

        /* Not fertile adult females */
        /* r5.i.j */ [X{i,j}]'1 --> [Y{i,j}]'1 :: k{i,13} : k{i,3}<=j<=k{i,4},2<=i<=7;

        /* Adult females that reproduce */
        /* r1.i.j */ [X{i,j}]'1 --> [Y{i,j},Y{i,0}]'1 :: k{i,5}*k{i,13} :  k{i,2}<=j<k{i,3},2<=i<=7,i<>3;

        /* Red Deer females produce 50% of female and 50% of male springs */
        /* r2.j */ [X{3,j}]'1 --> [Y{3,j},Y{3,0}]'1 :: k{3,5}*k{3,13}*0.5 :  k{3,2}<=j<k{3,3};
        /* r3.j */ [X{3,j}]'1 --> [Y{3,j},Y{4,0}]'1 :: k{3,5}*k{3,13}*0.5 :  k{3,2}<=j<k{3,3};

        /* Fertile adult females that do not reproduce */
        /* r4.i.j */ [X{i,j}]'1 --> [Y{i,j}]'1 :: (1-k{i,5})*k{i,13} : k{i,2}<=j<k{i,3},2<=i<=7;

        /* Young ungulates that do not reproduce */
        /* r6.i.j */ [X{i,j}]'1 --> [Y{i,j}]'1 :: 1 : 0<=j<k{i,2},2<=i<=7;

        /* Growth rules for the bearded vulture */
        /* r7.j */ [X{1,j}]'1 --> [Y{1,k{1,2}-1},Y{1,j}]'1 :: k{1,6}+k{1,10} : k{1,2}<=j<k{1,4};
        /* r8.j */ [X{1,j}]'1 --> [Y{1,j}]'1 :: 1-k{1,6}-k{1,10} : k{1,2}<=j<k{1,4};
        /* r9   */ [X{1,k{1,4}}]'1 --> [Y{1,k{1,2}-1},Y{1,k{1,4}}] :: k{1,6};
        /* r10  */ [X{1,k{1,4}}]'1 --> [Y{1,k{1,4}}]'1 :: 1-k{1,6};

        /* Mortality rules for ungulates */
        /* Young ungulates which survive */
        /* r11.i.j */ Y{i,j}[ ]'2 --> [Z{i,j}]'2 :: 1-k{i,7}-k{i,8} : 0<=j<k{i,1},2<=i<=7;

        /* Young ungulates which die */
        /* r12.i.j */ Y{i,j}[ ]'2 --> [B*k{i,11}]'2 :: k{i,8} : 0<=j<k{i,1},2<=i<=7;

        /* Young ungulates which are retired from the ecosystem */
        /* r13.i.j */ Y{i,j}[]'2 --> [ ]'2 :: k{i,7} : 0<=j<k{i,1},2<=i<=7;

        /* Adult ungulates that don't arrive at an average life expectancy */
        /* Those which survive */
        /* r14.i.j */ Y{i,j}[ ]'2 --> [Z{i,j}]'2 ::1-k{i,10} : k{i,1}<=j<k{i,4},2<=i<=7;

        /* Those which die */
        /* r15.i.j */ Y{i,j}[ ]'2 --> [B*k{i,12}]'2::k{i,10} : k{i,1}<=j<k{i,4},2<=i<=7;

        /* Ungulates that arrive at an average life expectancy*/
        /* Those which die in the ecosystem */
        /* r16.i */ Y{i,k{i,4}}[ ]'2 --> [B*k{i,12}]'2 :: k{i,9}+(1-k{i,9})*k{i,10} : 2<=i<=7;

        /* Those which die and are retired from the ecosystem */
        /* r17.i */ Y{i,k{i,4}}[]'2 --> [ ]'2 :: (1-k{i,9})*(1-k{i,10}) : 2<=i<=7;

        /* Mortality rules for the bearded vulture */
        /* r18.j */ Y{1,j}[ ]'2 --> [Z{1,j}]'2 :: 1-k{1,10} : k{1,2}<=j<k{1,4};
        /* r19.j */ Y{1,j}[ ]'2 --> []'2 :: k{1,10} : k{1,2}<=j<k{1,4};
        /* r20   */ Y{1,k{1,4}}[ ]'2 --> [Z{1,k{1,2}-1}]'2 :: 1 ;
        /* r21   */ Y{1,k{1,2}-1}[ ]'2 --> [Z{1,k{1,2}-1}]'2 :: 1 ;

        /* Feeding rules */
        /* r22.i.j */ [Z{i,j},B*k{i,14}]'2 --> X{i,j+1} +[ ]'2 :: 1 : 0<=j<=k{i,4},1<=i<=7;

        /* Balance rules */
        /* Elimination of remaining bones */
        /* r23 */ +[B]'2 --> [ ]'2 :: 1;

        /* Adult animals that die because they have not enough food */
        /* r24.i.j */ +[Z{i,j}]'2 --> [B*k{i,12}]'2 :: 1 : k{i,1}<=j<=k{i,4},1<=i<=7;

        /* Young animals that die because they have not enough food */
        /* r25.i.j */ +[Z{i,j}]'2 --> [B*k{i,11}]'2 :: 1 : 0<=j<k{i,1},1<=i<=7;

        /* Change the polarization */
        /* r26 */ +[C]'2 --> [C]'2 :: 1;
