Avian scavengers


The models used for ecosystems modeling are generally based on differential equations. However, in recent years new computational models based on biological processes, or bioinspired models, have arisen, among which are P systems. These are inspired by the functions of cells and present important advantages with respect to traditional models, such as a high computational efficiency, modularity and their ability to work in parallel. They are simple, individual-based models that use biological parameters that can be obtained experimentally. In this work, we present the framework for a model based on P systems applied to the study of an ecosystem in which three avian scavengers (predators) interact with 10 wild and domestic ungulates (preys). The computation time for 100 repetitions, corresponding to 14 simulation years each, with an initial population composed of 385,422 individuals, was 30 min. Our results suggest that the model presented, based on P systems, correctly simulates the population dynamics in the period of time analyzed. We discuss the usefulness of this tool in simulating complex ecosystems dynamics to aid managers, conservationists and policy-makers in making appropriate decisions for the improvement of management and conservation programs.


The corresponding P-Lingua file is the following:


def main()
        call init_membrane_structure();
        call init_multisets();
        call init_rules();

def init_membrane_structure()
   @mu= [[[ [  ]'1 ]'0]'101,101 [[ [  ]'1 ]'0]'102,102]'global;

def init_multisets()
  @ms(0,{100+k}) += X{i,j,1}*q{i,j,k} : 1<=k<=2,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;
  @ms(0) += d{i} : 1<=i<=n;
  @ms(1) = R{0},F{0};


def init_rules()
        /**Reproduction module**/

    /*Generating external contribution of different kinds of food*/
        /*r0*/ [F{0} --> B*alpha{k},M*beta{k},S*lambda{k},G*gamma{k},F]'1,{100+k} :: 1 : 1<=k<=2;

        /*control the maximum number of animals per species in the ecosystem*/
        /*r1*/ d{i}[]'1,{100+k} --> [d{i},a{i}*(d{k,i,1}*0.9),e{i}*(d{k,i,1}*0.2)]'1,{100+k} :: 1 : 1<=k<=2,1<=i<=n;

        /*Reproduction rules*/
        /*Males that do not reproduce*/
        /*r2*/ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y}]'0 :: 1-k{i,1} : 1<=y<=T,g{i,4}<=j<g{i,5},1<=i<=n;

        /*Females at fertile ages that reproduce*/
        /*r3*/ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y},Y{i,0,y}*k{i,3}]'0 :: k{i,1}*k{i,2} : 1<=y<=T,g{i,4}<=j<g{i,5},1<=i<=4;
        /*r4*/ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y},Y{i,0,y}*k{i,3}]'0 :: k{i,1}*k{i,2} : 1<=y<=T,g{i,4}<=j<g{i,5},7<=i<=n;
        /*r5*/ [X{5,j,y} --> Y{5,j,y},Y{5,0,y}*k{5,3}]'0 :: k{5,2}*0.5 : 1<=y<=T,g{5,4}<=j<g{5,5};
        /*r6*/ [X{5,j,y} --> Y{5,j,y},Y{6,0,y}*k{5,3}]'0 :: k{5,2}*0.5 : 1<=y<=T,g{5,4}<=j<g{5,5};

        /*Female at fertile ages that do not reproduce*/
        /*r7*/ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y}]'0 :: k{i,1}*(1-k{i,2}) : 1<=y<=T,g{i,4}<=j<g{i,5},1<=i<=n;

        /*Adult non-fertile males and females*/
        /*r8*/ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y}]'0 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,g{i,5}<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*Non-fertile young animals*/
        /*r9  [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y}]'0 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,1<=j<=g{i,4},1<=i<=n; */

        /*r9 fixed loop - we should loop until fertility age */ [X{i,j,y} --> Y{i,j,y}]'0 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,1<=j<g{i,4},1<=i<=n;

        /***Mortality module****/

        /*Mortality rules*/
        /*Young animals that survive*/
        /*r10*/ Y{i,j,y}[]'1 --> +[Y{i,j,y},D{i}]'1 :: 1-m{i,1}-m{i,3} : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<g{i,3},1<=i<=n;

        /*Young animals that die and leave biomass in the form of meat and bones*/
        /*r11*/ Y{i,j,y}[]'1 --> +[H{i}*(f{i,1}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),C{i}*(f{i,2}*g{i,2}*f{i,9}),B{i}*(f{i,1}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),M{i}*(f{i,2}*g{i,2}*f{i,9})]'1 :: m{i,1} : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<g{i,3},1<=i<=n;

        /*Young animals removed from the ecosystem that do not leave biomass*/
    /*r12*/ Y{i,j,y}[]'1 --> +[b]'1 :: m{i,3} : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<g{i,3},1<=i<=n;

    /*Adult animals that survive*/
    /*r13*/ Y{i,j,y}[]'1 --> +[Y{i,j,y},D{i}]'1 :: 1-m{i,2} : 1<=y<=T,g{i,3}<=j<g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*Adult animals that die and leave biomass*/
        /*r14*/ Y{i,j,y}[]'1 --> +[H{i}*(f{i,3}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),C{i}*(f{i,4}*g{i,2}*f{i,9}),B*(f{i,3}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),M*(f{i,4}*g{i,2}*f{i,9})]'1 :: m{i,2} : 1<=y<=T,g{i,3}<=j<g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*Animals that reach average life expectancy and die in the ecosystem leaving biomass*/
        /*r15*/ Y{i,g{i,6},y}[]'1 --> +[H{i}*(f{i,3}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),C{i}*(f{i,4}*g{i,2}*f{i,9}),B*(f{i,3}*g{i,2}*f{i,8}),M*(f{i,4}*g{i,2}*f{i,9})]'1 :: m{i,4}+(1-m{i,4})*m{i,2} : 1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;

    /*Animal that reach average life expectancy and leave the ecosystem without leaving biomass*/
        /*r16*/ [Y{i,g{i,6},y} --> #]'0 :: (1-m{i,4})*(1-m{i,2}) : 1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;

        /*Randomness generation of the total amount of animals/
        /*r17*/ [e{i}]'1 --> +[a{i}]'1 :: 0.5 : 1<=i<=n;
        /*r18*/ [e{i}]'1 --> +[#]'1 :: 0.5 : 1<=i<=n;

        /***Feeding and density regulation module(1)****/
    /*Checking whether maximum density has been reached*/
    /*r19*/ +[D{i}*d{k,i,1},a{i}*(d{k,i,1}-d{k,i,2}) --> #]'1,{100+k} :: 1 : 1<=k<=2,1<=i<=n;

    /*Preparing animals for the feeding process*/
    /*r20*/ +[Y{i,j,y} --> Z{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

    /*P system synchronizer*/
    /*r21 +[R{0}]'1 --> [R{1}]'0 :: 1; */

        /*r21 fixed rule scheme */ +[R{0}]'1 --> R{1}+[]'1 :: 1;

    /*The rule is used in order to synchronize the model*/
    /*r22*/ [R{i} --> R{i+1}]'0 :: 1 : 1<=i<=6;

    /*Feeding process for animal with physical space in the ecosystem*/
    /*r23 */ +[Z{i,j,y},a{i},B*(f{i,5}*g{i,2}),G*(f{i,6}*g{i,2}),M*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}),S*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*(1-g{i,7}))]'1 --> [W{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;
    /*r24 */ +[Z{i,j,y},a{i},B*(f{i,5}*g{i,2}),G*(f{i,6}*g{i,2}),M*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*(1-g{i,7})),S*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*g{i,7})]'1 --> [W{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;

    /*Change in the environment module*/
        /*1 step: object coming out to the environment*/
        /*r25*/ [Z{i,j,y}]'1 --> Z{i,j,y}[]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*2 step: objects are sending to the environment*/
        /*r26*/ [Z{i,j,y}]'0 --> Z{i,j,y}[]'0 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*3 step: the objects changes the environment*/
        /*re1*/ [[Z{i,j,y}]'{100+k} --> [Zp{i,j,y}]'{100+v}]'global :: p{i,k,v} : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=k<=2,1<=v<=2,1<=i<=n;

        /*4 step: teh object entersthe environment*/
        /*r27*/ Zp{i,j,y}[]'0 --> [Zp{i,j,y}]'0 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*5 step: the object enters the membrane 1*/
        /*r28*/ Zp{i,j,y}[]'1 --> [Zp{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*Feeding and density regulation module*/
    /*Feeding and determination of the physical space available for animals coming from another environment*/
    /*r29*/ [Zp{i,j,y},a{i},B*(f{i,5}*g{i,2}),G*(f{i,6}*g{i,2}),M*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}),S*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*(1-g{i,7}))]'1 --> -[W{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;
    /*r30*/ [Zp{i,j,y},a{i},B*(f{i,5}*g{i,2}),G*(f{i,6}*g{i,2}),M*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*(1-g{i,7})),S*(f{i,7}*g{i,2}*g{i,7})]'1 --> -[W{i,j,y}]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*r31*/ R{7}[]'1 --> -[R{8}]'1 :: 1;

    /*Updating module*/
        /*The objects associated with the animals involved in objects X; they are prepared to begin the new cycle*/
        /*r32*/ -[W{i,j,y}]'1 --> X{i,j+1,y+1}[]'1 :: 1 : 1<=y<=T,0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=i<=n;

        /*The objects are initialized*/
        /*r33*/ -[R{8}]'1 --> [R{0}]'1 :: 1;
        /*r34*/ -[F]'1 --> [F{0}]'1 :: 1;

        /*Objects created during the process must be eliminated*/
        /*r35*/ -[G]'1 --> []'1 :: 1;
        /*r36*/ -[M]'1 --> []'1 :: 1;
        /*r37*/ -[S]'1 --> []'1 :: 1;
        /*r38*/ -[B]'1 --> []'1 :: 1;
        /*r39*/ -[a{i}]'1 --> []'1 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;
        /*r40*/ -[d{i}]'1 --> d{i}[]'1 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;
        /*r41*/ -[D{i}]'1 --> []'1 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;

        /*It is necessary to count the objects H and C so they are sending to skin membrane*/
        /*r42*/ -[H{i}]'1 --> H{i}[]'1 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;
        /*r43*/ -[C{i}]'1 --> C{i}[]'1 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;

        /*r44 [b --> #]'1 :: 1; */
        /*r44 fixed rule scheme to enable membrane charge change */ -[b]'1 --> [#]'1 :: 1;

        /*The animal without enough food or space dies and leaves biomass*/
        /*r45*/ -[Zp{i,j,y}]'1 --> [H{i}*(f{i,1}*f{i,8}),C{i}*(f{i,2}*f{i,9}),B{i}*(f{i,1}*f{i,8}),M{i}*(f{i,2}*f{i,9})]'1 :: g{i,1} : 0<=j<g{i,3},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;
        /*r46*/ -[Zp{i,j,y}]'1 --> [H{i}*(f{i,3}*f{i,8}),C{i}*(f{i,4}*f{i,9}),B{i}*(f{i,3}*f{i,8}),M{i}*(f{i,4}*f{i,9})]'1 :: g{i,1} : g{i,3}<=j<=g{i,6},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;

        /*r47 [Zp{i,j,y}]'1 -->[#]'1 :: 1-g{i,1} : 0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n; */
        /*r47 fixed charge in left hand rule */ -[Zp{i,j,y}]'1 -->[#]'1 :: 1-g{i,1} : 0<=j<=g{i,6},1<=y<=T,1<=i<=n;

        /*These rules overlap with the first rules, loop beginning*/
    /*r48*/ [H{i} --> #]'0 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;
    /*r49*/ [C{i} --> #]'0 :: 1 : 1<=i<=n;
