SAT - P systems with Symport/Antiport Rules and Membrane Division Rules


Well-known problem SAT, solved with P systems with Symport/Antiport Rules and Membrane Division Rules.

Model in P-Lingua

The corresponding P-Lingua file is presented below. This is a parameterized version of the model, to run with the custom app based on MeCoSim, applicable to any input formula given visually, without altering the code:


        def main()

                call module_init_conf(n,m);
                call module_rules(n,m);
                call module_input_instance();


        def module_init_conf(n,m)

                @mu = [[[]'2 []'3]'1]'environment;

                @msInfEnv += S;
                @msInfEnv += d{i,j,k},_d{i,j,k} : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m, 1 <= k <= n - 1;
                @msInfEnv += T{i},F{i} : 1 <= i <= n;
                @msInfEnv += f{r} : 1 <= r <= n + 2*m;
                @msInfEnv += delta{j,r} : 0 <= j <= m, 1 <= r <= n - 1;
                @msInfEnv += E{j} : 0 <= j <= m;
                @msInfEnv += e{i,j},_e{i,j} : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;

                @ms(1) += f{0},yes;
                @ms(1) += fp{r} : 1 <= r <= n + 2*m + 1;
                @ms(1) += delta{j,0} : 0 <= j <= m;

                @ms(2) += a{i} : 1 <= i <= n;
                @ms(2) += b,c;

                @ms(3) += fp{0},no;


        def module_rules(n,m)

                /* R1 */

                d{i,j,1}*2[x{i,j}]'1 --> x{i,j}[d{i,j,1}*2]'1 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;
                _d{i,j,1}*2[_x{i,j}]'1 --> _x{i,j}[_d{i,j,1}*2]'1 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;

                d{i,j,k+1}*2[d{i,j,k}]'1 --> d{i,j,k}[d{i,j,k+1}*2]'1 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m, 1 <= k <= n - 2;
                _d{i,j,k+1}*2[_d{i,j,k}]'1 --> _d{i,j,k}[_d{i,j,k+1}*2]'1 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m, 1 <= k <= n - 2;

                e{i,j}[d{i,j,n-1}]'1 --> d{i,j,n-1}[e{i,j}]'1  : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;
                _e{i,j}[_d{i,j,n-1}]'1 --> _d{i,j,n-1}[_e{i,j}]'1  : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;

                [E{0},f{n+2*m},yes]'1 --> E{0},f{n+2*m},yes[]'1;

                [f{n+2*m},no]'1 --> f{n+2*m},no[]'1;

                delta{j,r+1}*2[delta{j,r}]'1 --> delta{j,r}[delta{j,r+1}*2]'1 : 0 <= r <= n - 2, 0 <= j <= m;
                E{j}*2[delta{j,n-1}]'1 --> delta{j,n-1}[E{j}*2]'1 : 0 <= j <= m;
                f{i+1}[f{i}]'1 --> f{i}[f{i+1}]'1 : 0 <= i <= n + 2*m - 1;

                /* R2 */

                [a{i}]'2 --> [T{i}]'2 [F{i}]'2 : 1 <= i <= n;

                E{1}[b]'2 --> b[E{1}]'2;
                E{0}[c]'2 --> c[E{0}]'2;

                e{i,j}[E{j},T{i}]'2 --> E{j},T{i}[e{i,j}]'2 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;
                _e{i,j}[E{j},F{i}]'2 --> E{j},F{i}[_e{i,j}]'2 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m;

                E{j+1},T{i}[e{i,j}]'2 --> e{i,j}[E{j+1},T{i}]'2 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m - 1;
                E{j+1},F{i}[_e{i,j}]'2 --> _e{i,j}[E{j+1},F{i}]'2 : 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m - 1;

                [e{i,m},E{0}]'2 --> e{i,m},E{0}[]'2 : 1 <= i <= n;
                [_e{i,m},E{0}]'2 --> _e{i,m},E{0}[]'2 : 1 <= i <= n;

                /* R3 */

                fp{r+1}[fp{r}]'3 --> fp{r}[fp{r+1}]'3 : 0 <= r <= n + 2*m;
                [fp{n+2*m+1},no]'3 --> fp{n+2*m+1},no[]'3;


        def module_input_instance()
        /* We define here the input for the P system */
        /* Let suppose m = clause number and n = variable numbers */

                @ms(1) += _x{variable{i},clause{i}}*valn{i}, x{variable{i},clause{i}}*val{i} : 1<=i<=nvals;


Adapting a problem to MeCoSim philosophy

As commented, this model solves our problem, in this case SAT, by means of a family of P systems. With P-Lingua, a general-purpose language, parsers and simulators have been provided.

The given P-Lingua file includes the definition of our P system as provided for the designer, and does not provide specific values for m (clauses) and n (variables) nor a specific input for the system (cod(s)) codifying a formula.

Among the goals of MeCoSim is the clear separation of the roles of end-user and P systems designer, so a custom app is provided defining the inputs for introducing the specific instance of the P system and the given formula, along with the outputs adapted to our problem, thus focusing the attention in solving the problem beyond the meta-analysis of the P system, that is interesting for the designer but probably not for a person trying to know the satisfiability of the P system.

Therefore, the values for m and n come from the data introduced by the user in the input tables (not hardcoded in the file), and the same happens with the formula after entering it from SAT plugin and convert into the input table format. The custom app defines the mechanism to convert those data in the params for P-Lingua (m, n, nvals, and variable{i}, clause{i}, val{i}, valn{i} for each i from 1 to nvals):



def module_input_instance()
        @ms(1) += _x{variable{i},clause{i}}*valn{i}, x{variable{i},clause{i}}*val{i} : 1<=i<=nvals;

Adapted files


../../_images/SATappCDCinputclauses.png ../../_images/SATappCDCnm.png

SAT plugin

The custom app allows the end user the introduction of the values for n and m to instantiate the P system, along with the formulas by input tables. However, a more natural way of entering the information is provided by SAT plugin:
