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P-Lingua is a programming language for membrane computing which aims to be a standard to define P systems. It and its associated tools have been developed by members of the Research Group on Natural Computing, at the University of Sevilla, Spain.

The P-Lingua programmes define P systems in an easy-to-learn, modular and parametric way. In this sense, it is possible to define a family of P systems with the use of parameters.


/* Module that defines a family of recognizer P systems

  to solve the SAT problem */

@variant<membrane_division> def Sat(m,n) {

/* Initial configuration */
@mu = [[]'2]'1;
/* Initial multisets */
@ms(2) = d{1};
/* Set of rules */
[d{k}]'2 --> +[d{k}]-[d{k}] : 1 <= k <= n;
 +[x{i,1} --> r{i,1}]'2;
 -[nx{i,1} --> r{i,1}]'2;
 -[x{i,1} --> #]'2;
 +[nx{i,1} --> #]'2;
} : 1 <= i <= m;
 +[x{i,j} --> x{i,j-1}]'2;
 -[x{i,j} --> x{i,j-1}]'2;
 +[nx{i,j} --> nx{i,j-1}]'2;
 -[nx{i,j} --> nx{i,j-1}]'2;
} : 1<=i<=m, 2<=j<=n;
 +[d{k}]'2 --> []d{k};
 -[d{k}]'2 --> []d{k};
} : 1<=k<=n;
d{k}[]'2 --> [d{k+1}] : 1<=k<=n-1;
[r{i,k} --> r{i,k+1}]'2 : 1<=i<=m, 1<=k<=2*n-1;
[d{k} --> d{k+1}]'1 : n <= k<= 3*n-3;
[d{3*n-2} --> d{3*n-1},e]'1;
e[]'2 --> +[c{1}];
[d{3*n-1} --> d{3*n}]'1;
[d{k} --> d{k+1}]'1 : 3*n <= k <= 3*n+2*m+2;
+[r{1,2*n}]'2 --> -[]r{1,2*n};
-[r{i,2*n} --> r{i-1,2*n}]'2 : 1<= i <= m;
r{1,2*n}-[]'2 --> +[r{0,2*n}];
-[c{k} --> c{k+1}]'2 : 1<=k<=m;
+[c{m+1}]'2 --> +[]c{m+1};
[c{m+1} --> c{m+2},t]'1;
[t]'1 --> +[]t;
+[c{m+2}]'1 --> -[]Yes;
[d{3*n+2*m+3}]'1 --> +[]No;

} /* End of Sat module */

/* Main module */ def main() {

/* Call to Sat module for m=4 and n=6 */

call Sat(4,6);

/* Expansion of the input multiset */

@ms(2) += x{1,1}, nx{1,2}, nx{2,2}, x{2,3},
          nx{2,4}, x{3,5}, nx{4,6};

/* To define another P system of the family, call the Sat module with other parameters and 
   expand the input multiset with other values */

} /* End of main module */

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