Influence of the guards (variants with s versus without s)
finish Yes
run End
Kernel 1 Total Kernel 1 Kernel 2 Total Kernel 2
n Without s With s Without s With s
time (ms) 350 49 399 533 533
membranes 81 48 129 114 114
steps no. 10 10 20 44 44
time (ms) 272 63 335 700 125 825
membranes 730 102 832 730 69 799
steps no. 14 14 28 32 32 64
time (ms) 9624 650 10274 18400 1000 19400
membranes 13122 564 13686 13122 426 13548
steps no. 36 36 72 84 84 168
time (ms) 36050 36050 38147 38147
membranes 9690 9690 7005 7005
steps no. 26 26 62 62