LTL Properties
# Machine Property Duration Verified Type Description
1. Win8 ltl solYes { ((environment.yes == 0 && == 0) || !isPsystemStep) U (environment.yes == 1 && == 0 && isPsystemStep) } 23'11'' TRUE CMC13 This LTL property states that the number of yes and no objects in the environment is zero until a yes is sent to the environment
2. Win8 ltl solNo { ((environment.yes == 0 && == 0) || !isPsystemStep) U (environment.yes == 0 && == 1 && isPsystemStep)} 16'57'' TRUE CMC13 Is an LTL property stating that the number of yesand no objects in the environment is zero until a no is sent to the environement.
3. Win8 ltl g1 {[] (!(c1Cells[0].a == 1 && c1Cells[0].T == 1) || X(!isPsystemStep U ((environment.yes==1) && isPsystemStep)) || !isPsystemStep) } 17'16'' TRUE CMC13 LTL property stating that, if inside the mebrane labeled 1 there are present the a and T objects, then, in the next kP System state, an yes object will be sent to the environment.
4. Win8 ltl g2 {[] (!(verifVarsFound && schedulerStep == verifStep &&
 ((c2Cells[verifCellIndex].B[vtx1] >= 1 && c2Cells[verifCellIndex].B[vtx2] >= 1) ||
 (c2Cells[verifCellIndex].G[vtx1] >= 1 && c2Cells[verifCellIndex].G[vtx2] >= 1) ||
 (c2Cells[verifCellIndex].R[vtx1] >= 1 && c2Cells[verifCellIndex].R[vtx2] >= 1) )
 && c2Cells[verifCellIndex].Aij[vtx1*N + vtx2] >= 1) ||
 X(!isPsystemStep U (c2Cells[verifCellIndex].S == 0 && isPsystemStep)) || !isPsystemStep) }
24'32'' TRUE CMC13 (invariant) LTL property expressing that, if at the computation step given by verifStep, in a certain membrane labeled 2, given by the index verifCellIndex,  there exists an edge between (vtx1, vtx2), and the two verfices are both coloured in blue, green or red, then in the next kP System step, the S symbol from this membrane will disappear.
5. Win8 ltl g3 {[] (!(schedulerStep >= N + 3) || (environment.yes==1 && isPsystemStep) || !isPsystemStep) } 39'32'' TRUE IJCM-BWMC This LTL property verifies that the answer to the question "is the graph G(N, k) 3-colourable" is "yes" and it is obtained after N + 3 kP System steps. The definition of G(N, k)is according to the one given in the IJCM - BWMC article.
6. Win8 ltl g4 {[] (!(schedulerStep >= 2 * N + 3) || (Solutions == solCount && isPsystemStep) || !isPsystemStep) } 23'44'' TRUE IJCM-BWMC LTL property verifying that, when the computation stops, after at most 2 * N + 3 kP System steps, all the solCount =  3 * 2^(N - 1) valid solutions of the problem are obtained. This property holds for all the graphs G(N, k), as defined in the IJCM - BWMC article.
7. Win8 ltl g5 {[] (!(schedulerStep <= N) || (totalActiveC2Cells == twoPowK && isPsystemStep) || !isPsystemStep) } 1h45'30 TRUE IJCM-BWMC This LTL property expresses that, for a graph of type G(N, N), as defined in the IJCM - BWMC article, the number of cells labeled 2 is 2^k after k steps, with  1 <= k <= N
8. Win8 ltl g6 {[] (!(schedulerStep == N + 1) || (totalActiveC2Cells == twoPowK && isPsystemStep) || !isPsystemStep) } 1h55'48'' TRUE IJCM-BWMC LTL property verifying that, for a graph of type G(N, N), as defined in the IJCM - BWMC article, the number of cells labeled 2 is 2^(N + 1) - 1 at the N + 1 kP System step
9. Win8 ltl g7 {[] (!(schedulerStep >= 2*N) || (totalActiveC2Cells == threePowK && isPsystemStep) || !isPsystemStep) } 2h4'59'' TRUE IJCM-BWMC LTL property verifying that, for a graph of type G(N, N), as defined in the IJCM - BWMC article, the number of cells labeled 2 is 3^N at the end of the division process, i.e. After 2^N kP System steps
10. Win8 ltl g8 {[] (!(invariantPrecond) || X(!isPsystemStep U(invariantPostcond && isPsystemStep)) || !isPsystemStep) } 21'58'' TRUE Invariant LTL property of invariant type, verifying that, if invariantPrecond is true, i.e. there exists a compartemnt labeled 2 containing A_i and S at a certain step, then, at the next kP System step, invariantPostcond is true, i.e. there is a compartment containing R_i and S symbols, if and only if the graph has the neighbours of vertex i coloured different than red 
# Machine Property Duration Verified Corresponding to LTL Property #
1. Win 8 assert (invariantPrecond == false || schedulerStep != precondStep + 1 || invariantPostcond); 29'26'' VERDADERO 4.
Machine Configuration
Machine Configuration
Win8 Intel Xeon X3430, 2.40 GHz, 8.0 GB RAM, Win8 64 bit