Plugins use for generating simulation params ============================================ * The described use is the most common one in plugins. However, is not the only one, there is an additional important use: jar files included in plugins directory will also be available to provide functionalities for simulation parameters generation. This is done by setting in another file called **ecosim-properties** the **new functions** named as **func-** followed by the name of the desired function, indicating the class performing the operation (this clas should implement the interface IAlgorithm or IStringAlgorithm). IAlgorithm interface is as follows:: public interface IAlgorithm { public Number algorithm (List params); } Similarly, IStringAlgorithm interface:: public interface IStringAlgorithm { public String stringalgorithm (List params); } Default, apart from the primitves and operators we can use when simulating params, MeCoSim has some functions following this extensibility schema implementing IAlgorithm or IStringAlgorithm:: func-renovacion = algorithms.Renovation func-caudal = algorithms.Caudal func-floor = algorithms.Floor func-ceil = algorithms.Ceil func-initialize = algorithms.Initialize func-min = algorithms.Min func-eq = algorithms.Equal func-if = algorithms.If func-abs = algorithms.Abs func-g = algorithms.Greater func-log = algorithms.Log func-exp = algorithms.Exp func-color = algorithms.Color func-toString = algorithms.ToString func-conc = algorithms.Concat func-grm = algorithms.GraphManagement func-gammanext = algorithms.GammaDistribution func-normalnext = algorithms.NormalDistribution func-poissonnext = algorithms.PoissonDistribution func-acumstats = algorithms.AcumStats func-binomialnext = algorithms.BinomialDistribution